In Internet Marketing for any kind of Business, it is always important to keep track of ROI, conversion rate of business websites. Learn how to maximize profit by planning a strong Internet marketing strategy Read More
Being a good friend in the world of social media is no different to being a friend anywhere else. The value found in friendships is a result of the consistency of several qualities demonstrated over time. [more]

Article covers to following in brief:
Being a good friend anywhere
Who you connect to
Speaking in posts and comments
Deciding on friend requests
Being a friend anyway
How to use this post for building friendship Read More
For big companies going online in the '90s, the Internet was a shocker, laying bare all the silos within their organizations, as those units communicated directly to customers, with no homogenizing layer of customer service in between
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Declaring and paying taxes are two of the most important duties of a business owner. This should be done correctly and responsibly. While doing your obligations, you can also make use of your unique tax privileges as a small business entrepreneur Read More
Recently, Capital One Small Business revealed the results of its Q1 Small Business Barometer, a quarterly survey of small businesses across the nation gauging their current financial condition and business projections for the next six months. The news is good for small business Read More
AT&T is getting its share of bad press in the social networks for its response to an unsatisfied customer: "Thanks for the feedback, and if you bother our CEO again, we’re going to send you a cease and desist letter. Read More
A colleague of mine, Michael Brenner, has stated numerous times that the role of marketing is to help our companies gain and keep customers. This is a unifying principle for both marketing and sales teams and should act as the foundation for your campaigns. The question becomes, how do you achieve this? In most marketing organizations, the single most important way to keep customers is to build satisfaction and loyalty, while the best way to gain new customers is through positive referrals from your existing customers. Read More
We all know about Twitter, Facebook and Blogs.  Here are some other alternatives. This will show you how to cheaply market your business Read More
Learn how to buy a franchise for no money down. Wouldn't you like to own a franchise? Only this franchise information can help you become rich.{ Read More
Seemingly overnight, David Meerman Scott created the “World Wide Rave”, when collectively, a product, a brand or you are instantly known all over the world.

However the World Wide Rave has been around long before Mr. Scott was even born. It’s just that up to now, it was known as viral marketing.

Whether you call it a World Wide Rave or viral marketing, most of the time it happens by accident. Yet, what if you could create one? It would change everything!

You are in luck, not only will this article get you started, but included on this page are 3 FREE PDF format digital books, written by none other than the Amazon bestselling author David Meerman Scott himself, ready for download. No email needed, no opt-in, no obligation, no kidding!

Get all 3 today!
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