If small business success were as easy as following a series of steps, wouldn’t you and I see many more successes?

I had this disease of the mind, and you may have it too.

“How can I stand out?” “How can I get more people to hire me? To buy my stuff?”

I spent too many years looking for “the right answer” to these frustrating small business questions. It wasn’t a conscious search for the magic bullet. I’m too smart for that. Instead, I fooled myself in more subtle and sophisticated ways by saying “I don’t know enough yet. Read More
According to Google’s Doubleclick Ad Planner 1000 list, Facebook is the leading website in the world, reaching 540 million unique users, good for over 35% of the entire world’s Internet population through the whole month of April. The social networking giant also racked up 570 billion page views, topping the list. Read More
Online forms are great for small businesses that need to collect information. There are a lot of different companies out there that help you make online forms, but the easiest option is to use Google Docs. It's simple, free, and it's easy to analyze the results. Here's how it works.. Read More
Marketing a business and promoting your brand can easily be managed by maintaining a blog with continuous efforts. Beauty of blogging is that it not only improves your writing skills, but at the same time it is a smart way to express your knowledge to the world. That’s why if both the elements work together, it gives the right boost to your business Read More
You’d have to be living under a rock to have not heard all the buzz about the importance of social media to businesses both large and small. Gurus have emerged from nowhere, and research is cited all over the place. You’d think a business would go bankrupt if it didn’t do what the experts tell us about social media Read More
I think there's a couple of things worth thinking about when it comes to website copy. I thought I might take a few minutes to chat to you about that so yo Read More
Everyone wants to be successful in life but we forget that everything big has its roots strong. For building these roots we need proper planning, thought, efforts and of course finances. The initial things are dependant on the personal capability of the person but the finances can be arranged from outside sources like small business loans Read More
It is easier nowadays to find a small business web hosting service.  There are practically hundreds of hosting providers today that offe Read More
Lawyers are integral to a successful start-up, despite being costly. The key is understanding and managing their role, as well as the legal costs Read More
It is vital to ensure that your web site is ranked well in searches for your local area. Are you ranking well in the searches of your local area Read More

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