Raise your hand if you have a website for your small business. Now keep it raised if it is generating a significant volume of prospects o Read More
This is my round-up of all the great articles I have read in this week, I collect this from many web design resources and hope this will be useful for you Read More
If you run a small business, then you know how important it is that you get paid for the goods and services you provide. There can be nothing more damaging for a small business than to have a consistent problem with customers who do not pay up when... Read More
Most business do a poor job of keeping track of their financial data, and it's no wonder that most business will eventually fail and shut down. By knowing where the money is coming in and going out, business have a much greater chance of not only... Read More
It was Peter de Vries who said: ‘I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork.’ You may be forgiven for thinking that report writing would be all very well but for the grisly process of deciding the message and getting it down on paper. Sometimes you feel you know what to say, but it is difficult to translate it from mind to paper. At others, it is the initial process of pulling tog Read More
After eight years of blogging, I have started a new business site for sole traders (sole proprietorship) with a publishing platform called Squarespace. I have used Blogger, Tumblr, Posterous and Wordpress during the years. You are welcome to follow my web journey as I am developing my new site Read More

Memorial Day

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From http://egoist.blogspot.com 5235 days ago
How do you commemorate Memorial Day? Read Gus Van Horn's post, A One Man Army. Related: My post, My Birthday on Memorial Day Read More
Have you heard about Wibiya toolbar? I think I first saw it on Amanda's site, My Recipe Finds. I have then found it on other sites, e.g., John Jantsch's Duct Tape Marketing and Robert Scoble's Scobleizer. Please spread the good word by sharing the posts via Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Buzz, BizSugar or by email. This feature is powered by AddThi Read More
Today we will talk with Dan Hand, a computer professional who wrote a new book about starting a computer repair business and discuss how the lessons he learned can benefit our businesses if we only apply the Read More
The language choice of “overcoming objections” is ineffective, in part, because of its adversarial connotation. Effective salespeople elicit their client’s concerns, knowing that they are real, substantial, and must be dealt with in order to move a deal forward Read More

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