Some people are just a bit too serious when it comes to selling, even if what you are selling is something big and important. Humour is key to human interaction, and if you believe that people buy from people, you need human interaction, you need humour Read More
Succession planning is a talent and organizational improvement initiative that enables your business or organization to grow and thrive now and in the future. Reasons Why You Need to Immediately Implement a Succession Planning Strategy...
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A new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 57% of adults have used search engines to find information about themselves online. This is an increment of 10% back in 2006. On top of that, 71% of social networking users 18-29 have changed their profile privacy settings. Read More
Small business owners: Regardless of your educational background, you need to take courses on taxes - or at least, take self study courses Read More
Would it surprise you to learn that startup activity in the U.S. is at it's highest point in 14 years even topping the activity during the famed DotCom boom? A report from the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity relates this very fascinating statistic and raises questions (at least in some minds) about whether we really need to use more tax payer money to encourage loans for small business Read More
As National Small Business Week draws to a close, we look back on highlights including these remarks from U.S. President Barack Obama. Obama talks about his administration's efforts to help small business grow through elimination of capital gains tax for some businesses and government funding to encourage more bank lending Read More
Looking to get started on Twitter? Have you signed up but never got around to using it? Here's some great tips for getting up the starting ramp quickly Read More
What do Nelson Mandela, David Beckham and Anne Frank have in common? What does it have to do with you? Read this post to find out how a common marketing mistake could be costing you business Read More
These days, even the smallest business employs the World wide web as a major tool in building a client base, keeping in contact with their buyers. It is obvious that even the smallest agencies need to use the World wide web to market their services, obtain new consumers as well as communicate with t... Read More
Getting press is an essential part of building a business and often will provide the traction needed to get a business off the ground. It worked for me: my initial TV interview gave me the confidence and the visibility to blog and expand my eBay business Read More

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