I've decided to give away two incredible books that have greatly influenced me: Linchpin and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Read More
One of the more positive economic indicators in the first quarter of 2010 has been that small business lending, particularly loans backed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), are on the rise. SBA loans are a solid option for entrepreneurs looking to fund start-up ventures or growth. But how do small business owners go about finding the right government-backed loan that meets their particular needs? What are your options and how do you apply? Below are five things you need to know about finding and applying for government loans for your small business Read More
Today is “Quit Facebook Day” where users around the world plan to delete their Facebook accounts in protest over recent privacy concerns. Currently there are roughly 29,000 individuals who have pledged to delete their Facebook profiles by the end of the day – making up only a small fraction of the over 500 million users Read More
Writing is one way of getting free publicity…targeted ones of course.The trend towards online writing is on the increase. Those who actually take advantage of online writing are mostly bloggers. Businesses seldom use writing to promote their products Read More
Great websites and blogs to help small and medium-sized business owners. Feel free to leave of comment of other sites and blogs not included on the list Read More
The simple answer, according to the latest Chitika Research study is — a ton! A FULL TWICE what the #2 ranking offers! In order to track same, the folks over at Chitika tracked their own traffic and it’s referrers and learned that almost 35% of that traffic came from the #1 ranking spot — almost as much as the numbers 2 through 5 slots combined, and more than the numbers 5 through 20 (the end of page 2) put together!

So….a #1 ranking brings new traffic, that’s not news, but the size of the lead of the #1 spot over all the rest is somewhat surprising, eh! Read More
We all have moments of clarity amidst spells of confusion.

If your business is growing, you need to make frequent decisions that will affect its nature and direction.

And if your business isn’t growing as you hoped, the confusion is all the more oppressive.

Here's how to create immediate clarity - for good Read More
Rather than write a full blog post I thought I'd share a couple of BizSugar articles I enjoyed reading this weekend. Yes, it's kinda lazy on my part, but that's what 3 day weekends are for! Seriously, both articles are well worth reading. Enjoy Read More
Memorial Day reminds us to honor those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. That is why I want to take this opportunity to focus on veteran-owned businesses. While every aspiring entrepreneur starts with certain strengths and weaknesses, veterans bring a unique set of assets and liabilities. Find out why a military background could be just the best thing a small business needs Read More
Do you want to know 313 reasons to get you website or blog listed on DMOZ? DMOZ is a human edited directory that feeds up to 313 other directories, which means you will get found on line quicker and in more places. How to get listed on DMOZ Read More

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