The old saying is true: Readers are leaders. If that's the case, though, why do so many people neglect this habit? And how can you get started Read More
Most of those familiar with the strategies of improving a search engine marketing strategy understand the concept of link building and are already using it Read More
How effective is content marketing? Is it possible to develop a quality piece of content and get 1,000 clicks on it in a single day? John Bottom from Base One is trying to find out at the IDM B2B Marketing Conference in London. Read this post to find out more and how you can get involved. Read More
One of the biggest mistakes that I see small business owners and entrepreneurs make is spending way too much time, money, and effort to develop a website or some kind of brochure-ware before they decide to go out and try to start generating revenue Read More
One piece of your marketing that you need to nail down is your "hook." This is not your Unique Selling Proposition, and it's not your elevator pitch. It's the headline of your home page. That single sentence that grabs the reader in and makes her know she's in the right place.

Once you find your hook, post it in the comments with a link to your site. Consider this permission to do a little marketing for your startup or product Read More
Facebook group vs. Facebook page: Since both Facebook groups and pages have overlapping features, it can be difficult to determine which to create for your business or organization. Here is some information about Facebook groups and Facebook pages to help you determine which is best for you Read More
Succession planning tends to not be fully or effectively executed, yet it's incredibly important to a company's long-term prospects. This post contains links to 5 articles on the Winning Workplaces website that provide related guidance for leaders -- particularly those who run small businesses Read More
There are probably tons of articles for what the CRM world is going to bring to the market this year… Perhaps you should read the ones from 2009 to see if the “predictions” were just a great wish list by analysts. Instead of predicting what CRM features are going to be popular or should be popular this year, I am going to take a different approach. Read More
Though there is some overlap in issues men and women face when starting a business, women entrepreneurs face unique challenges and concerns. Here are six tips that can help women with their most common business start-up issues Read More
Whether it's piles of old files that need to be thrown out or relationships that are no longer serving you, sometimes it's good to take stock on what's working and not working in your business. Here are three areas of your business you'll want to declutter Read More

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