Brand fitness requires the same level of focused discipline and intensity as physical fitness and it must be exercised on a regular basis. Brand fitness is an ongoing pursuit that requires constant adjustment and realignment. Whether you are the CEO of a European luxury goods company or the founder of a small startup company, developing brand equity in your own name is essential for success and w Read More
Many pundits are predicting that mobile marketing through SMS (text messaging to the lay person) will be essential to stay in touch with customers in the near future (if not now). However, with businesses already reaching into so many different aspects of our lives, how far is too far? At what point does a consumer become overly inundated with our attempts to reach them? Read More
Warren Buffett is the 2nd richest man in the world.
He’s amazing.At ONE thing.
He’s average,or completely sucks at doing hundreds of other things.
Discover one of his keys to massive success.
(Tiger Woods shares this strategy. Well… on the golf course at least.) Read More
Handling stress at work is an important skill that many of us need to master. Interesting blog by Chris Farmer on how to manage stress....
Read More
Want to sell more? Check out this simple, 2-step process that's GUARANTEED to help you sell more, no matter what you're selling. Read More
Becoming the greatest salesperson in the world wouldn't be possible without a little guidance along the path. Where can you get the guidance you need? Read More
6 tips on what makes your business opportunity look like a scam. Advice how to avoid looking like a scam in order to get more publicity and more customers. Read More
There are many things you'd like to say to clients (but don't), a few that you say anyway (and don't regret), and then there are seven words this author recommends you never, ever say to your clients if you want to rise to the top of your game. Read More
"How we spend our time is a key strategic decision. That's why it's a good idea to create a to do list and an ignore list. The hardest attention to focus is our own.

But even with those lists, the challenge, as always, is execution..." Read More
What is going to set you apart from your competition? What is going to guarantee your success from all of the other businesses on the market? The answer is Read More

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