The ability to analyse and make capital investment decisions allows you as the owner or manager of a business to ensure that your limited resources are Read More
Last week I wrote this post sharing my social media strategy as it is today. I received a ton of great feedback! Thanks to everyone who commented on this blog and in the group discussions it was posted in. One reader, Mike Y, left a comment offering to review my LinkedIn account and my website. I accepted his offer and we continued our discussion via email.

I had mentioned that I plan to r Read More
Advice and tips on how to manage your time to help you decide on the most valuable use of your time to help you reach your goal.

Learn how to prioritise your work so you use your time effectively. Read More
Time management training
How many of us are so busy being busy that we aren't as productive as we could be? How many of us could benefit from learning how to delegate? How may of us are so busy mopping up yesteday crisis that we aren't planning for next week, next month, or even next year? Do YOU need to improve your time management skills?...
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using twitter for your small business Twitter is social networking and micro blogging platform for people to share updates (tweets) with people that are Read More
I’m often surprised at how hard it can be to get business owners to think of their companies as assets, with value that can be built and extracted at the right time. Read More
In the midst of the global economic crisis, many small businesses are on the brink of closing down if not enough capital infusion is found. Read More
Free articles by - your free articles directory. Find free online articles for your website, eZine or newsletters. Submit your Articles for free syndication and publication. Read More
The mandate to save money may be clear, but which technologies actually pay for themselves is a tougher call to make for many businesses. Here are ten options that many small to midsize businesses are trending towards and reaping significant financial rewards. Read More
It’s amazing to watch a child grow from a completely helpless infant to a teen or young adult with his own opinions and ways of doing things. If you’re self-employed or run your own business, at some point you’re likely to receive the advice to hire your own children as a means of getting a tax break. However, hiring your children has benefits beyond taxes. Read More

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