Obama said he hopes the bill, which includes about $18 billion in tax breaks and pumps $20 billion into highway and transit programs, will be the first in a series of jobs packages crafted to put millions of unemployed Americans back to work. Read More
Small business owners have increasingly used social media as a cost-effective marketing tool. A report from ComScore earlier this month suggested Facebook might be the best social media site for double duty social network and search marketing, with an increase in search activity the same month Google saw losses. Read More
Google is testing a browser-based opt-out solution for Google Analytics. While it’s unlikely that a lot of users would install something like this, what if they did? That could drastically cripple the entire point of Google Analytics. Read More
The awesome Alexa ranking of Smallbiztrends.com alone makes it worth the effort to submit your small business press releases. The process is easy, fast and rewarding. And it makes perfect sense for Small Biz Trends, since entrepreneurs are likely to keep checking out the site, if only to see when their own small business news stories are posted. Read More
What is a web log? Do you know what Twitter is? See how people all over the world answered these questions. What does it say to you about how trends work? Read More
Two new tax benefits are now available to employers hiring workers who were previously unemployed or only working part time. These provisions are part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act enacted into law today. Read More
Business growth can be difficult during a recession. How do you continue to market and promote your business when spending cuts are necessary and profits are down? It can be done – but it takes some creativity and effort to make up for paid advertising. Here are three good ways to market your JV during a recession: Read More
Here’re five of the quickest, easiest (and Free) ways to get drive traffic to your local business website today. Read More
t’s obvious that having the right contacts is beneficial for personal and/or business promotion. But when you’re out networking how do you know you’re talking to the “right” person? Read More
How many of us check our social media sites as often as we can from the time we wake up in the morning to the moment that we call it a day? I do, as well as 1,000 other individuals surveyed online by an independent study.
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