A Super Bowl ad comes with a price tag of about $3 million dollars this year. Even if you have enough money in your marketing budget to pick up a 30-second spot, there are alternatives that can offer more bang for your buck than a televised ad, no matter how big an event it's shown during. Considering how many people fast forward through the commercials, it's time to explore other options. Read More
When you're negotiating a sale, the situation can require even more compromise. Your business likely relies on sales, putting you in the mindset that you'll do anything to win over your customers, but you have to make sure that each sale still offers you enough margin to turn a profit. Read More
Last night's halftime performance by The Who at the Superbowl had some great sales lessons. Here's what I mean... Read More
Want to see a surefire way you can sell more products or services to your clients and prospects? Here is a method that you can use to help increase your chances of landing new clients and landing new sales. Read More
Little could I have imagined as a youngster, that while engaging in the relaxing, carefree world of fishing, I was in fact learning the principles and foundations which would help me succeed in business. Yup, from finding a good spot, to avoiding crowds and finding a niche, to luring, hooking and reeling in, it's all there! Read More
Creating value can go beyond the usual in an unusual economy. Having your clients become reliant on you for more than just product or service can drive value for both clients and your company. Read More
When delivering a project to a customer, we must not lose sight of customer satisfaction in our desire to conduct an effective project management exercise. They asked for the project, so it is theirs and not yours! Read More
The process of creating buzz doesn’t start from creating a Blog or creating a video, it’s a social media strategy that encompasses social media and word-of-mouth marketing. Read More
Edelman have recently released their 2010 Trust Barometer which highlights that we are now less trusting of business than we have ever been. Within this context we need to try even harder to instill confidence in our online purchase processes. Read More
How big a chunk from your day gets sucked up reading unnecessary emails? Studies show the average corporate email user sends and receives 149 valid (legit, not spam) emails per day. Read More

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