Find info on seed and venture capital programs to help fund your small business. Venture capital is typically provided to early-stage start up companies that have high growth potential in industries such as biotechnology, information technology and manufacturing. Read More
Closing is the first skill or attribute a salesperson must possess. Not because they need to be able to close a deal, but because they need to obtain the commitment to open the possibility of working together, which is the first and most critical commitment the salesperson must obtain. Great salespeople obtain commitments that move the deal through the sales and buying process. Read More
Finding the right business idea can give you the courage to start a small business. Use these start up business ideas to help. Read More
I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of hearing only bad news. I know we need to pay attention to what's happening on the economic front to make sure our businesses remain successful, but all we hear is the bad news. Read More
In my years online, I've seen the painstaking learning process of starting--and marketing--an online business many times over. When I started my business, social media marketing was foreign to me. Read More
This SEO Analysis Tool is to help you analyze and measure the ranking potential of your web pages. It doesn’t only analyze the Meta Tags of your pages, rather it tries to use the same spider technology as the search engines spiders them self. Read More
Providing value is priceless to your clients and getting to the point of adding value means an understanding of the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom curve. Read More
I received an email announcing a new Twitter management tool, MarketMeTweet. The application promises to offer many of the same tools I’ve grown to love from HootSuite while providing several new features, including the ability to “brand” every Tweet. Read More
The President knows he has to help small business if the economy is going to recover. He made four major proposals directed at small business in his State of the Union speech:

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I stumbled upon a very interesting campaign carried out by RealWire regarding the issue of irrelevant press release emails or more widely known as PR spam. Read More

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