Sometimes small business owners have difficulty taking time to smell the roses. Don't allow stress to complicate your business or your life, just read this article on how to manage the stress of owning or starting up your small business... Read More
Tell us about your favorite small business or small business ideas that made you laugh! Read More
Multiple resources, sites and tools exists to help small businesses with their business for logo design, product names, marketing, legal and accounting. Tap into the world of freelancers to help grow your business. Read More
When it comes to the use of color in white paper design, most businesses treat the issue as an afterthought after the primary content has been developed.But with short attention readers that are accustomed to short online media messages, color has now become a more important attribute that can either create greater reader engagement, or create a n Read More
Using social networking to your advantage is crucial for small business. You must service customers in their desired format and territory. Read More
This site offers some great resources for addition. Addiction has killed more people, careers and relationships then anything else in our country. It leads to jails, institutions and death. Death does not necessarily mean of your life. Any of the above can be killed. Look into this if you or a loved one is struggling with ANY type of addictio Read More
What are you energized to do? New you? New career? New love interest? It's time to write the next episode of your life. Remember, it's always written in permanent marker, you can't undo what you've done, but you can make the next chapter better, more extraordinary. What's tomorrow going to mean to you? Read More
Verizon uses Droid Does commercial to go after smartphone market Read More
I am not so sure if things are getting better...What do you think? Read More

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