I came across Michelle Bowles' post offering tips to help corporate blogs stand out and I thought it would be a good idea to review the tips and also apply here to a small business audience. No doubt small business and Corporate America have plenty of differences, but there are things we can learn from Corporate America and vice versa. So let's fi Read More
Australians are a brand-minded people and in accordance with many of the developed nations of the world, brands like Google, Nokia, Sony and IKEA score high. In addition to this, some local treats such as Vegemite and Tim Tams have a strong following to say the least. George Patterson Y&R Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) recently made an investigation i Read More
What prompted you to see your last first-run movie? Like most, it was probably the movie trailer you saw in the theater or on TV. Your Executive Summary is a lot like that movie trailer. This blog post will give you some pointers you can use to get your Executive Summary to work for the reading of your white paper just like a good movie trailer do Read More
The Wharton Business Plan Competition is just one example of a big prize money business plan competition. Did you ever wonder if your business plan has what it takes to win the funding your small business deserves? Learn more about what the judges are looking for to win these big contests and competitions for start up prize money... Read More
2009 summary of ecommerce trends including tools and resources that are available to online stores. Read More
Exclusive interview with New York Times/Wall Street Journal best-selling author Keith Ferrazzi and his tips on building relationships, following up and much more. Read More
This blog is third in the series of "Internet Black Markets". Part 1 explored domain hoarding; counterfeit products, antisocial networking and propaganda marketplaces, and Part 2 detailed fake traffic generators, click frauds, SEO and plagiarism. Part 3, is about money scavengers who have no success of their own but they hold on to the body of I Read More
This is an awesome tool list for word of mouth marketing by, Clay McDaniel. Read More
Having been live for only a year, we'll gladly take a moment to pat ourselves on the back for making Blog Rank's Top 100 list of small business blogs. It's certainly an honor to be in the company of such well-respected blogs that have not only been around for a lot longer than ours, but who also are viewed as some of the most well-respected blogge Read More
Some small business owners are so focused on attracting new customers they forget to take care of the ones they already have. And neglected customers will certainly be ripe for the picking by the competition. Here are some easy and inexpensive ways to make sure your regulars keep coming back. Read More

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