Hubspot co-founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah have synthesized, condensed and packaged what I believe is one heck of a book on the new reality of lead generation. Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs is written in a style that makes it extremely accessible to the smallest of businesses and gets my highest recom Read More
Marketing podcast with David Allen (Click to listen, right click and Save As to download — subscribe now via iTunes David Allen Getting Things DoneGetting all the stuff you've got to manage done as a business owner, might be the greatest challenge of all. Then of course all the new social media stuff comes along and the job of managing it all j Read More
Email service provider Constant Contact long ago established their role as leader in the industry. Today they unveiled Event Marketing a tool that may prove to widen that gap. Event marketing online has become an important piece of the small business marketing puzzle. With so much focus these days on education, publishing, and content driven ma Read More
New York's Roger Smith Hotel tells Scott Fox's E-Commerce Success Radio Show how they are profiting from online marketing strategies. These are great free online marketing lessons for YOU if your business is looking to expand its real world customer base to make more money online. Read More
Microsoft seems to think that the next hardware refresh is going to save them. It might, but they're in trouble if they think they can depend on it again. Here's why. Read More
Sending out your newsletter and your direct marketing pieces is marketing. Putting your picture on the bench at the bus stop is marketing. Sending out letters of introduction in a target neighborhood is marketing. Dropping off refrigerator magnets with your phone number is marketing. But talking to a prospect at an open house is selling. Cold call Read More
Online or offline, one frequently hears references to web1.0, web2.0 and web3.0 and possibly wonders where exactly are they with using the web in their business ! In this post, I will write about some of the main features (or characteristics) of all three terms and also suggest an approach to measure how effectively you are using theses features. Read More
Describing a “what is Leadership?” can prove a challenge for a great many organisations. Unfortunately nowadays, leaders are expected to lead without ever being afforded the time to investigate what it means to lead. Is leadership a about the result? Is it more to do with the process? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? It is a complex s Read More
What is Keyword Density? From a previous article I wrote, specifically on keyword density, keyword density is a combination of the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase appears on a web page, in quantity with other words. The more times the keyword appears, the greater the overall keyword density. Read More
One way to avoid an end of quarter rush is to ensure that you start something new every day. Like the old song said, Miss the Start, Miss the End! Read More

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