Whether you're actively looking for clients on freelancing job boards, or you only get clients through referrals, you'll have to submit project Read More
Social networking has lowered the boundaries to conversation and interaction on the Internet. There are certain consequences to that as well as expectations. There are also triumphs. Read More
The beautiful part about guerrilla marketing is that you can generate a ton of visibility on a dirt-cheap budget – if any budget at all. In truth, the biggest investment is creativity and a little time to make it happen. Obviously, the bigger your budget the easier it may be to pull of something that can attract a lot of attention – but even some entrepreneurs have proven this isn’t always the ru Read More
If you rely on your local community for your revenue, there are some great local on-line marketing tools out there that you can use to your advantage. Here are a few local marketing tips to help you stand out in your community. Read More
I admit I’m still something of a newbie on Twitter, still finding my way on the question of how to use it most productively and usefully. Since many of our clients are newbies also, I thought it might be helpful to share what I’ve learned so far. Read More
This is a power-packed list of actionable tips for improving cash flow. It is neatly organized into the four main areas that address cash flow! Read More
Google Local is a great free online tool for small business owners. Business owners can use their Google Local listing to drive traffic to their business blog. Read More
A starter list of ways to differentiate your business, an excerpt from Arie Opps' article, The Two Laws of Branding from the Inside Out, at Marketing Profs. Read More
A company Facebook page is a great way to promote your business, but how do you get that custom URL? In this post we show you step by step how to get a Facebook custom URL for your business. Read More
At the end of last year I wrote a prediction piece for AMEX OPENForum suggesting that 2010 would be the year that small businesses move more computing power online or, using the more trendy term, to the cloud.

boxnetGoogle and Microsoft are both working very hard to create adoption of online versions of the most commonly used software tools such as spreadsheets, word processors and databases. Read More

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