Tough times usually spell trouble for small businesses, including those in relatively stable industries or geographic locations. Here are Ten Top Tips for Tough Times to help small businesses survive our current economic climate. Read More
You may want to use this letter if you’ve never done any official communication since the launch of you new website and might also want to repeat this process whenever you update your site with key content. These are just great opportunities to make meaningful contact with your clients. Read More
As a marketing tool Twitter gets much more interesting and useful when you can filter out 99% of the junk that doesn’t apply to your objectives Read More
Want to know Og Mandino's formula for becoming the greatest salesperson in the world? It all starts with your beliefs! Tune in to the next 10 days of the Motivation 101 Blog to learn what it takes. Read More
As more and more consumers adopt feature-rich mobile devices, your shoppers will increasingly demand access to information, videos, and discounts at the point of retail. How can you use mobile to create exceptional shopping experiences and drive higher receipts per shopper? It's simple. Leverage a smart approach to mobile marketing for retail. Read More
The challenges of managing Gen Y are alive and well. The recession was their first big blow, a clear message that life might not always deliver what they expect and demand. But while it may have made them a bit more workplace savvy, it didn’t undo 20 some odd years of training that said “You’re the best. You deserve it all”. Read More
It’s been proven that positive attitude does produce personal power. It has helped a number of people.

In many job situations, proper attitude is at least as important as technical ability. Some employees may even have multiple business degrees or a Ph.D., but their attitude still prevents them from becoming effective employees. Read More
Sure, the numbers look impressive in the year 2008 to 2009 contained in this visualization but what happens if the Apple iPad hits the store in the coming months this year? A few people are quick to rebut that the tablet isn’t the same as a netbook.
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Trying to succeed at marketing without a clear vision of who you’re marketing to is like setting out on a trip without a destination. You must know who you want to serve with your product or service before you start building the campaign to reach them. Read More
I've found several excellent articles from groups on Linked-In and Facebook. But as with anything online I have to sift through the scam-my stuff to find these gems. Are you having a similar experience? Read More

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