Where’s the line? When an employer hires workers an important question is whether the compensation they receive is subject to employment taxes. The answer depends on whether the worker is an employee or an independent contractor. This determination of the worker’s status depends on certain facts . . . facts which define the type and terms of the business relationship that exists between the parti Read More
When your customers voice complaints, do you ignore or minimize them? Take heed from the lessons of Toyota. Read More
You have no doubt heard the saying ‘discovery is not about seeking out new lands, but looking at existing lands with new eyes’ Read More
There are similarities between looking out for the elderly and looking after the unemployed. Do we take on the responsibility of checking on our unemployed friends? Read More
FourSquare is a great new online social tool that businesses can really benefit from. Create a FourSquare Mayor campaign and promote it through your social tools. Read More
That is the question behind every customer decision.

“Why should I, as your potential customer, trust your service/product/organization?”

So as a business owner, your question to yourself should be;

“What can I do to improve my customer’s trust?” Read More
Today is the first day of the 2010 Make-A-Referral Week. Make a Referral Week is an entrepreneurial approach to stimulating the small business economy one referred business at a time. The goal for the week is to generate 1000 referred... Read More
The Flying Pig Blog is soooooo, sooooo, sooooo excited to have a special guest post from Dr. Nate of Bright Eyes Family Vision Care here in Tampa. Dr. Nate should severe as a mentor for all small business owners as a good example of the 'right' way to use social media in your business. I know he is a mentor for me! Read More
If you have to sell to senior level decision makers, why not look at the same resources in house. If you sell to CFO's, then talk to your own CFO to learn how they think, do and make decisions. Read More
Word of mouth marketing has changed due to social media. This interview with car legend Johnny Londoff focuses on powerful benefits of customer service as marketing. Read More

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