Small business marketing strategies are a breed of their own, and not something that can be easily or effectively spun off of the marketing plans of huge, multi-national corporations. The plans for smaller businesses, and especially home based ventures, are relatively unique to this business type. A correct small business marketing plan sets the tone for future success by tailoring the efforts Read More
Businesses are engaging nowadays more and more in online marketing strategies. They are making efforts to implement a good search engine marketing strategy, struggling to get members on social networks and to keep them engaged. However, there is still the question of which metrics should be monitored from your online reputation management strategy, which are the ones important to monitor the ROI Read More
Staying in financial shape when you begin your journey of starting a business is important; it may actually be the determining factor of whether or not your business is a success or failure.
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It surprises me how many small businesses are still not using social media to help market and promote their products and services. While the low numbers of participation could be due to simply not knowing how to use this medium. It's still worth the time and effort, and the benefits are unlimited.

Fact is, there are business owners that are just too darn scared of even using social media. So t Read More
Striving to have everything perfect is a nice goal, however, waiting for that perfect moment can hold you back. I’ve seen great ideas from entrepreneurs get trumped by their competition because they were taking too long trying to make everything perfect.

Sound familiar? Read More
The Scott Fox Click Millionaires Online Marketing Show offers you dozens of episodes of free online marketing expertise.

Listen to these archived podcasts anytime to learn how to grow your business sales and attract more customers online.

Topics include Facebook marketing, pay-per-click advertising, online video, blogging success, email marketing, article marketing strategies, and more!

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1) Invitation Templates . . . don’t use them! You’re better than that! Nothing says “I couldn’t be bothered taking 10 seconds to write you a personal message” more than those boring templates. Want to stand out? Don’t do what everyone else is doing. Read More
This post is a special Make a Referral Week guest post featuring education on the subject of referrals and word of mouth marketing and making 1000 referrals to 1000 small businesses – check it out at Make a Referral Week 2010

David Meerman ScottAfter I read an early copy of John’s terrific new book The Referral Engine, it got me thinking about how really great online information makes the job Read More
The Altimeter Group today released a new report on Social CRM and while analysts release reports all the time, this is different. The report is free to read and share under Creative Commons and this is a big disruptor, one that reflects the socialization of information and the spirit of social media. Read More
We're at the final step in Getting to Yes. Think it's time to "Close"? Think again! Instead of "closing", try converting instead! Read More

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