Social media platforms build buzz, boost business and serve small businesses as low-cost/no-cost marketing tools. Small business owners need to understand how these tools strategically serve and support small business first so they best implement social media strategies to sell products and/or services. Read More
Despite the work of campaigners and legislators there remains a massive, massive under-representation of women in senior positions, an online resource for female entrepreneurs says. Karen Gill founder of Every woman explains that the situation today is not one of 'blatant sexual discrimination', but a disparity between male and female salaries as well as the unequal proportions of men and women i Read More
Despite Twitter and SMS, writing well still counts for small business owners who want to communicate accurately and get the right message across to customers, investors, and staff.
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Writing a business plan helps social entrepreneurs define their mission and how they'll achieve it even when the needs of people, planet and profit are in conflict.
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A fresh study conducted by the Nielsen Company showed that Facebook is currently the biggest time waster on the Internet. According to the data gathered, users around the United States spent a whopping 7 hours on average using Facebook per month; this is a growth of about 10%. Additionally, the number of those actively using the web grew 3.8% to slightly more than 203 million users. Read More
When discussing online marketing for your small business a very basic component many people forget to include, perhaps because it's so often discussed in social media or other circles and so obvious, is creating a blog. In this great short comprehensive clip from GetConnected, Vancouver blogging pioneer Darren Barefoot gives one of the best and most comprehensive explanations about why your busin Read More
Even in the age of the Internet, there's no denying the power of direct marketing, says Lois K. Geller is president of Mason and Geller Direct Marketing whose clients include both industry giants and small entrepreneurial firms. In this CNN post she shares some of her top secrets to marketing direct and getting results that will put your small business on par with the top marketing firm Read More
With less of a budget than huge corporations, small business owners must get the best value they can for their advertising dollar says Darrell Zahorsky, guide for Small Business Information. And as a result, Darrell has put together this great comprehensive list of tips culled from his experience working on the legendary advertising campaign that made NordicTrack a house hold name. Cons Read More
Ever noticed how often we're starting to forget about the basic purpose of a mobile phone - voice communication? We text, share, transfer data, browse the Internet etc - and all that because there's a constant lack of time and there're new options that smarty Smartphones are happy to serve with. Yet, how popular these options have become? ... Read More
Are your tax records starting to take over your home or office? How long are you required to keep them? This article lays out the facts and tell you what you can discard and when. Know the facts and save the agony! Read More

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