( has partnered with CloudShare to provide all its premium-listed software vendors clients a "hassle-free" way to give prospective buyers the ability to see their application perform in a live environment. Directly from a listing, prospects will be able to click on a "try IT now" button that triggers a request to test the desired application in a dedicated IT environment Read More
Email newsletters have become a standard marketing tool, and for good reason: compared to any sort of print marketing materials, an email newsletter is cheap to produce. Just how effective an email newsletter is can depend, but if you put together a newsletter that your readers (and clients) can look forward to, it can lead to significant sales. But without the right tools, it doesn’t matter how Read More
Online advertising offers numerous benefits for small businesses: the ads are priced significantly lower and there are tools that allow you to make sure that your ads are being displayed primarily to people who might actually be interested in purchasing your product or service. Read More
Paul Cherry shares his techniques for honing your voicemail messages for maximum impact and creating great sales opportunities. Read More
Entrepreneurs have fantastic opportunities to create new businesses that either use green technologies and materials, or are just green. Will you become a green pioneer? Currently, there are a few franchise organizations have become leaders in the green franchise movement...... Read More
It seems that small business are mainly using social media to identify and attract new customers. That is that big take away from the most recent edition of the Small Business Success Index™ (SBSI). This third wave of the report, sponsored by Network Solutions® and the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business reports social media adoption by small Read More
Ideas like hosting your own local fashion show as a small retail boutique owner are what's going to separate you from competitors. Learn the power of creative marketing. Read More
There are a myriad of reasons why solutions to problems aren’t implemented. For instance, a business may not have the resources such as money or labor to implement the solution. However in most instances, it’s not a lack of resources that is the barrier, but rather it’s the lack of clarity and conviction where people get tripped up. Read More
In today’s Sales 2.0 environment, sales professionals, consultants, and small business owners are told that they need to create an online presence if they expect to achieve their sales goals and targets. However, too many people... Read More
How to get sponsors for your business, web series, podcast, blog and yourself. First step is identifying and giving first to begin the sponsor relationship. Read More

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