You’ve been hearing it for over a year now, there is a credit crisis. The news is full of stories of businesses unable to obtain credit, yet banks say that they are lending money. But to whom? The answer is to qualified borrowers. So what makes a borrower creditworthy? Lenders look at four primary items to evaluate creditworthiness which are commonly referred to as the ‘Four C’s’. The firs Read More
Though it’s the goal of every company to create a recognizable brand identity, it’s especially important for growing businesses because they must compete against competitors large and small, says brand management expert Sara LaForest, cofounder of Kubica LaForest Consulting. But a brand is much more than a name — it’s “a look and feel about the company and what it stands for,” LaForest points out Read More
It is tempting to ask them for their opinion on your business idea, marketing campaign, website, branding etc. It is quick and you think you will be able to take the best action based on the results. Unfortunately this is not always the case and whilst they may mean well, their opinion may throw you off the marketing success path. Read More
Whether you’re developing software, working in marketing or even a full-time writer, the odds that you’ll be asked to contribute to a blog at some point just keep going up, because blogs have become a key method of communication for many organizations. However, contributing to a blog is not easy, especially if writing isn’t one of your strengths.

Fortunately, it is a skill that can be learned. Read More
When I first opened my computer store, I envisioned myself behind a desk or workbench, building, selling and repairing PCs, but not necessarily in that order. To be honest, I mostly thought about building and repairing them. I really didn't think much about the selling part at all. In fact, the who Read More
It’s getting to be quite a social jungle out there, even before the announcement of Google Buzz, and that’s a good thing – particularly if you’re an individual or business ever on the lookout to attract new customers and stay connected with existing ones. Read More
Have you ever come across people that you’ve tried calling and emailing but failed to receive any response from them? However, when you text them, they reply. Read More
Great story about; a community where people with great app ideas but no programming skills meet expert iPhone app developers. Read More
Why splurging on a professionally designed website is well worth the cost for entrepreneurs. 5 Advantages include increased PR opportunities and sticking out. Read More
How to set up and use Google Reader to get all the new content on sites that you read. Reduce time searching and increase time reading. Read More

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