Rbacal commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Better Customer Service Directly Impacts Business Growth
"I think it's hard to generalize, since there are certainly a number of sectors where customer service needs to be only "good enough". There are limits to the power of customer service to grow businesses, but much depends on nature of the business."7 Reasons To Turn The Enemy Into A Strategic Partner
"Excellent principle, particularly since one of the strengths of small business is the ability to put together strategic partnerships with others in the same (or different) space. Large corporations can't do that as quickly or flexibly, and many small biz partnerships can be informal in nature."8 Proven Psychological Strategies To Deal With Angry, Emotional or Difficult Customers - crowdspring Blog
"These are pretty basic, but still good. I've written a few books on the topic of defusing customers, that have much more advanced techniques. I particularly like the "baggage" entry. It's easy to forget we are dealing with people how have real lives and real issues, large and small."8 Proven Psychological Strategies To Deal With Angry, Emotional or Difficult Customers - crowdspring Blog
"(Can't seem to figure out how to reply to a reply), @Lyceum Thanks for the welcome, and taking the time to look at the book list. It's amazing what accumulates over time if you keep at things :)"Subscribe
Should You Really Develop Your Business Around Your Passion?
"I agree with the points in the article, but wanted to add that there is a tendency for the passion to go away amidst the day to day tedium that accompanies a lot of "work". Passion is good, but you still have to do the grunt work."