ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
7 Secrets to Tweeting Your Corporate Culture
"It's a pretty interesting idea really, to communicate corporate culture through a few short bursts of information. And there's something about it that reminds me of Guy Kawasaki's idea of mantra over mission statement. (See The Art of the Start.) Make these ideas short, easy to remember, articulate and spread."A Franchise Slouch; One Must Work To Get Customers!
"Joel, I wonder if somewhere along the line some franchises, in an effort to make their product seem more appealing, may de-emphasize the amount of work involved. Even working for an employer in a business that doesn't belong to you requires plenty of hard work (I'm sure if this franchise owner had a boss, he/she wouldn't allow slouching) so why would anyone believe owning your own business wouldn't require effort. "Subscribe
6 Successful PR Tips To Help Build A Small Business
"I think the idea of using PR to build your business is interesting because perhaps too many people think of it as simply a way to spin internally made corporate decisions. But this takes the field and its importance to a whole new level. Thanks for sharing."