ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Why A Blog Won’t Help Your Business
"What a great post to share, Ajay...with an eye-catching title. No, a blog won't help you if you don't use it. If you post to it regularly, on the other hand, you can increase your business considerably. If you don't have time to maintain a blog yourself, find someone else to do it. My experience has been that those who can't see the value in blogs really aren't using them."Advanced Google Techniques to Shorten Your Sales Cycle!
"I love both the asterisk search and e-mail search ideas. What a great way to improve productivity instead of searching through page after page especially at really big companies. And it makes me wonder, at the other end, whether this has implications for SEO as far as making information on your site easier to locate."Lack of Attention to Detail Can Wreck Your Marketing Campaign
"Wow, Yoni. This sounds horrible. We've had our own run-ins with service providers but nothing on this order. I'm not sure how much choice you have in these services, but one of the truly liberating things at least in our region of the U.S. at the moment is that there is so much competition that, when any kind of nonsense occurs, you simply tell them you're discontinuing with them and going with a competitor. Sometimes they change their tune and sometimes they don't. But even if they don't, you often find that once you walk they're soon trying to get you back with a better deal. I have heard of businesses ranging from banks to other service providers erasing fees when this tactic is used (especially when they know deep down they're in the wrong.) But I must confess I've never heard craziness on the order you're describing before."Lack of Attention to Detail Can Wreck Your Marketing Campaign
"Sometimes the key to success in a marketing campaign or anything else you do in your small business is to make things as simple as possible thus eliminating the kinds of details that cause a plan of any kind to go wrong. This simplicity can also make it easier to measure results. If you want to improve your Website's ranking, for example, just focus on building inbound links by a certain number each month. Sure, there are a million other things you could do as well, but if you don't pick just one to focus on at first, you run the risk of not doing any of them well. Managing details is important, but sometimes the problem is that we've added too many details to our plan. Try simplifying your campaign to minimize the number of things that can go wrong and make it easier to judge performance after the fact,"Subscribe
80 Plus Suggestions For Motivating Small Business Employees
"Thanks for the encouraging comments, guys, and to Joel Libava for sharing this post on Facebook where I first saw it. If you haven't joined our Facebook page yet, I'd strongly recommend it. I love the way Carol lays this post out, a trademark of hers more or less,with a big long list of people in her community giving their own brief answers to the question. It gives a range of thoughts and ideas on the subject way beyond the typical blog post. Carol's very inspiring and I['d recommend popping over to her blog from time to time and checking her out."