Billrice commented on the following stories on BizSugar
HOW TO: Use Social Media To Learn Social Media
"I'm not sure how else you can learn social media. I think you are right on. It is amazing how many "social media gurus" that I see that have no social media profiles, obviously no strategy to how they use the ones they have, and insignificant networks (the cornerstone in my mind). Use it learn it. Great article!"Is Social Media Changing Selling?
"I think selling (done well) with social media has to be a BIG item on every sales professionals' training TODOs this new year. It is simple commonsense. Social media has all the elements of a good sale--connections, relationships, referrals, value creation. I think the big question is where do you focus your training/skill-building time? Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, ...?"Innovative Business Ideas And The Melting Pot
"I think we do have a Social Media Club. I will have to double check. I'm not aware of any cross-cultural community groups although we have many strong ethnic communities represented. Detroit is about a 4 hour drive to Chicago, IL (because you have to go around the lake). It is a very short plane trip and I have heard the train ride is nice. I'm going to try that next time."Subscribe
Ouch! Sometimes it Hurts to Look for Customers' Pain
"Great post. I love the "I didn't buy 12 boxes of Girl Scout cookies from six different girls to relieve pain." Are you sure? Have you tried to walk out of the grocery store when they are in full force :)"