Davidlowbridge commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Aggressive Sales: The Dangers To Your Brand
"I think the major problem with these kind of sales tactics is that they navigate around the needs of the prospect. If you product isn't viable for a customer at the time, you should thank them for their time and move on to the next customer. Just because you can't sell to them now, doesn't mean in six months you can't. I have had prospects on my CRM for over a year before they've made a purchase. Now they are some of my most valuable customers. The salesperson who inspired this blog post, was just in it for his own instant commission and approached it as such. That was the first and most deadly mistake. Then again, is it his fault, or does his leadership team pressure him so much to hit certain targets he is panic selling? Are we too pushy with targets when it comes to our sales team?"Decision Fatigue: How To Make It Work For Your Marketing
"This is a really tough question. However, what I like to do is give potential client a maximum of three options. Though to be honest if you can give them two that is best. Using this tactic, I've had a much higher conversion rate. This requires getting as much information from the prospect early on to define their problem and determine what the best solution for them is. Then add on one (or two) variation(s) but also recommend which offering is best for them."Should You Ever Fire A Customer? - CEO Hangout
"Martin: I've not had many customers who have been significant issues. The most trouble is not paying invoices in time. Most of the time a quick note about overdue invoice T&Cs in the contract will do the trick. Though we've let two or three go from repeated failure of non-payment."Subscribe
11 Mistakes All Small Business Owners Make
"I have to say, I agree with most of those. I see a lot of businesses make those mistakes, and I am guilty of one or two of those early on in my career. But the funniest is the one where someone states they don't have a website because the internet doesn't achieve anything for them. I then ask when did they take down their website before they announce that they never had one. How can you know whether the internet can help you until you at least try it? "