Jkennedy commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Engage Your Customers the Coffee Shop Way
"Nice post, Skip. One of the Office stores (can't remember if it was Max or Depot) made a lame attempt at this by offering free wi-fi and the use of their display desks...would have helped if they'd instructed the employees on how to help customers access the wi-fi (I'm a fairly tech-savvy guy and I was completely baffled). The experience frustrated me so much, I shop Staples for office supplies now. The Moral? One of the most effective ways to make your customers comfortable is to have competent employees..."Subscribe
Is the Customer Always Right?
"Hello Ajajoya: I agree that, speaking in absolute terms, customers are not always right. However, I do think that businesses should treat them that way. Even if you know for a fact that the customer is wrong, you shouldn't let it show unless you're ready to fire them as a customer, in which case you should honestly say that. If you think the relationship can be salvaged, though, let them think they're right even if they're not. ;) Jerry"