Ofirafromjobshuk commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Hitler, Nazis, Black-Face and Making Slanted-Eyes: Things That Are NOT Funny!
"Yoni, I didn't really know what Blackface is until I read it on your blog. I did a bit of reading in order to understand. I found this interesting tidbit on cnn.com titled 'Blackface Is Never Okay'. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It is important to understand differing cultures all in order to be more sensitive. The url is: http://articles.cnn.com/2009-10-14/world/sawyer.blackface_1_blackface-black-skin-australians?_s=PM:WORLD Ofira"Hitler Finds Out About Blogging [VIDEO]
"Dear ------- I'm also joining those leaving bizsugar over this video. The thing that strikes me the most is not whether this is offensive and I believe it is! It is that I have also read the latest bizsugar blog post about content. -Besides running the risk of having your content removed , sharing content unrelated to small business- It says on the comment that there is no censorship here. But the comment from the blog suggests other wise. It says blog posts are removed if they don't relate to business. Okay, so maybe you say I am reacting too strong to Hitler. That is your opinion but I still say this offensive video has nothing to do with business. Even though it turns my stomach I have watched it five times in a row. Please tell me what wisdom it presents? Please enliten me! I think this is a sad chapter and it is my reason for showing myself the door. Ofira"Subscribe
Duncan Campbell (businessavante) Appreciation Day on BizSugar: Happy Anniversary Mister Moderator!
"Ditto and ditto! Ofira"