Q4sales commented on the following stories on BizSugar
World's Most Famous Unemployed Person Lands a Great Job!
"Yonatan, your input, as everyone has said, is part of why this is a great read. Giving us a reality-check on why we should not let our guard down. Why we should keep pressing ahead. Paul's courage and enthusiasm and perseverance is inspiring too, of course!"Follow-up: The Secret of Networking | Grow Smart Business - Small Business Success Index
"I like Thursday Bram's writing. Just discovered this post and couldn't agree more. You have to follow up and keep following up, but that doesn't mean badgering. It means finding a way to be useful, to be helpful, to be a resource. Too many sales types miss that. The world has been changing for a while -- nurture the relationship."Subscribe
Understanding How Lead Providers Generate Leads
"Great job, Bill. I agree with your post and summary. Buying leads can be a tricky biz and one could argue that list rental is far superior than buying thousands of leads that some brokers sell. They are often not good leads or emails. I'd rather build my dbase slowly with quality."