Q4sales commented on the following stories on BizSugar
What Do You Want From Me?!! (Setting Proper Client Expectations)
"Stoney, I feel your pain, bro. I've been there, too. You said it all right here: "The investment factor is just as important as any other in SEO. You can hire the best SEO in the world, but if you're only paying them a few hundred dollars, they won't be able to build success from that. You might get some good tips and advice, but it won't be a full-scale SEO plan.""Be Remarkable: Take That Idea and Own It!
"Lots of ideas worth thinking more about and then executing on! Thanks Stoney. I really like this customizing idea: We can easily apply this to SEO. Take ten sites in the same industry. What is unremarkable about them is that they are all targeting visitors that search using the same words. Nothing new there. What is remarkable is the site that targets those keywords into a unique presentation on the site. Now that's different."A Great Lesson in Business Efficiency from Genius Inventor and Engineer Rube Goldberg (Article & Amazing Video)
"Yonatan, I appreciate how you hunt down great examples to illustrate your posts. In this one, I totally agree with your main point -- Am I (are we) making our business concepts too hard to understand, our product language too convoluted, etc. Thanks for the kick in the pants to SIMPLIFY."Subscribe
The Marketing Economics of Halloween Attractions
"If you've never thought about the economics of Halloween, you'll enjoy this post. I learned some stuff.. Good job."