33interactions submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Metro stations have officially crossed paths with top internet brands. Branding firm Information Architects, a company who focuses on building and managing interactive brands, has just released the Web Trend Map 4. Read More
"It's exhausting to be a butterfly and disheartening to serve one. There isn't one single store that captures all of their interest, dollars or oh-so-precious time. Consumers have been transformed from loyal, reliable and predicatble patrons into..." Read More
"They [CEOs] know, for example, that a strong customer franchise is critical to business success, and that doing business with people you trust is more predictable and efficient, and thus more profitable, that doing business with uninvested strangers." Read More
Making decisions are such an integral part of everyday life, that we hardly realise we're making them half of the time. From the minute we wake up in the morning we are making choices: should I get out of bed now, or can I wait a few extra minutes? Should I wear the striped shirt, or the striped bottoms? What should I eat for breakfast? Should I Read More
A social network can say a lot about a person, revealing habits, goals, and qualities according to a study done by Anderson Analytics. Each social network's users have distinct purchasing and online habits which make for very interesting marketing insights. Social networks are now more than ever becoming a place for niche marketing. Anderson Ana Read More
The Internet has changed everything and even more than that social media has revolutionised the way consumers use the Internet. I know you don't need me telling you that the Internet has completely changed business and the way the world runs. However, consequentially the consumer has evolved with the Internet. Read More
Do you ever wonder if consumers really trust brands? Are company and branded websites the leading source of information for consumers? Well according to Nielsen the answer is: yes and no. Branded content is trusted but not as trusted as friendship. Read More
"The dynamic of our society, and particularly our new economy, will inceasingly obey the logic of networks. Understanding how networks work will be the key to understanding how the economy works." Read More

Social Media Credibility

Avatar Posted by 33interactions under Social Media
From http://33interactions.com.au 5533 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 16, 2009 4:29 pm
The recent deaths of Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett demonstrated the immense the power of Twitter, and social media in general, to generate news across the globe in a matter of hours.This raises a real question — can social media be trusted as a news source? Read More
The consumers of today want to be heard. Simply using one way mass media is not effective in today's digital society. Not only do consumers want to be heard, they want to have a meaningful relationship with brands and find fulfillment. They want a brand that actively listens to their needs and engages them in a two-way dialogue. In today's market Read More

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