SellBetter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Prospecting doesn't have to be a drag. Here are three things you can do to take the sting out of it. Read More
Most sales people hate prospecting, but for all the wrong reasons. It is not the rejection as much as the lack of preparedness. Here we look at three key elements to succeed in prospecting. Read More
Everyone knows listening is the key to sales, but knowing how and what to listen for is not always easy. To be effective, you have to listen for more than just what you see fitting your goals. Read More
Having a sales process is important, but in sales you need to go beyond it. With a solid process, you can use your creativity, skills and execution to drive success. Read More
Here the deal, you enter now, then you win, then you go to the event and learn. Then you put what you learn into practice and win again, over and over, sweet no? But you have to first enter the contest. Read More
Good sales people are out there everyday involved in or initiating change. But as group or profession they sometime fail to see the changes sales should be implementing to stay vital. Failure to embrace change in sales will open the door to unanticipated change on a grand scale. Read More
Here are a couple of different ways to get interactive if you are in sales. SBU looks at different perspectives in Sales. Sales Smack gives you a chance to chime in and make a difference in the discussion and the outcome. Read More
Why is sales always in-sourced, could not some sales be approached the same way as IT contracting, finance temps, and other functions that can be better executed by a team of contracted professionals. What do you think? Read More
Creating value can go beyond the usual in an unusual economy. Having your clients become reliant on you for more than just product or service can drive value for both clients and your company. Read More
Many sales people have a narrow view of referrals. Not only do they limit the number of people they tap for referrals, they wait too long, and limit the scope available to them. Read More

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