SellBetter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

While words count for a lot, in sales as with most things, professionals should be judge by their actions, interactions with buyers, and the results of these. If sales people were not competitive by nature, their companies would not thrive. Read More
Sales people need to change their approach from "all or none" to "I can can add to that". By working on being enhancing rather than changing, you can settle buyers concern by putting the focus back on the issue rather than the transaction. Read More
Leads have much more value than most sales reps will acknowledge. They would rather move on to new leads than to the things needed to maximize the opportunity presented by good leads over time. Read More
Contrary to some opinions, closed ended questions have value in sales. As with any question, it's more an issue of proper use, at the proper time, for a specific objective. Read More
Options are not always good, especially in sales. Part of good selling in demonstrating capabilities and the ability to deliver solutions. Throwing options out, like so many things against the wall, is not the same as selling. Read More
Many sales people avoid executives for different reasons. But if you want to have lasting success with a client, you need to involve people at the executive level, either before, during or after a sales, or preferably all.
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Sales and marketing need to be better integrated around execution. Alignment and simultaneous execution allow companies to stretch resources and dollars further and reach more profitable results. Read More
If social media touches all, you have to make sure you touch inside your company too. Marketing needs to share and partner with front line sales to fully leverage their initiatives, then give back to sales in the form of better leads and other benefits. Read More
Many in sales use pipeline and forecast interchangeably. The reality is that not only are the two very different, but the way some pipelines are managed lead to continuously erroneous forecasts. Read More
Sales people need to realize that a pipeline is not a holding crate for everything they come across in the course of the day, but a place to manage real opportunities to close. Rather than having the false comfort of a "full pipe", they should be striving to clear the distractions and focus on closing and refilling the pipe with viable prospects. Read More

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