SellBetter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Saturday Sales Tip - The Pipeline

Saturday Sales Tip - The Pipeline - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5286 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 10:27 am
At time it is the things that we fail to do as sales people that prevent success, rather than how well we do execute those things we do. Planning is one success factor that many sales people do not do, or don't do enough of when they do. Read More
The decade and the year have come to a close, and it's time to celebrate. Once that's done, what's the first thing you will do to make 2010 a better year. Read More
There are a number of thing that then to come up while selling that need mentioning, but may not merit a full post (some may argue may not merit anything at all). So in doing the year end clean up on my BlackBerry, here are some loose ends. Read More
In sales the close is important but not everything. To close more effectively and with less stress, you need to set things up right from the start, even before the first meeting. Read More

A Random Walk Up Sales Street – 27 - The Pipeline

A Random Walk Up Sales Street – 27 - The Pipeline - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5291 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 31, 2009 4:21 pm
While learning and developing should be an ongoing process for all professionals, including sales, the promised recovery and the turn of the year presents a unique opportunity to reflect and see what lessons the downturn offers us moving forward. The right lessons and practices adopted during though times generally can have an ongoing impact on how one sells. What lessons did you take from the Read More
Well it's that time of the year, the pagans celebrating the return of the sun, the Christians the coming of the son, and the retailers the coming of the dawn. So do the right thing, hug your kids, kiss your wife, and enjoy the season. Read More
After a fierce competition, close to 3,000 vote Renbor wins 48.4% of vote. "How to shorten your sales cycle" voted number one by readers. THANK YOU all who voted and supported me. Read More

STOP RIGHT NOW! - The Pipeline

STOP RIGHT NOW! - The Pipeline - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5298 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2009 7:17 am
Too many sales people spend too much time committing to do this or that to achieve sales success. For 2010 figure out what you should STOP doing and give yourself a real shot at succeeding. Read More
Many sales people spend too much time trying to "qualify" an opportunity rather than quantifying it, both for the client and themselves. This theme seems to have resonated with with readers over at, a leading site for sales news and advice, as it was the second most read article on the site in 2009. Have a read, enjoy. Read More
Is the customer always right, or is it more important that the right decision is made. The difference between a good sales person and a great one is the ability to work with the customer to arrive at the right decision, which may not have been his initial concept. But having been presented the facts and options by a great sales rep, focused on delivering value rather than making the buyer feel Read More

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