SellBetter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Remember that your prospect is the company, not one or two individuals in it. Key roles and buyers are important, but you should also reach out and prospect some non-traditional titles or players in prospect companies, especially other executives. Read More
There are a number of things you can do over in sales and life, but time is not one of the. Improve your allocation of time to the right activities and you will improve your results. Read More
When all elements seem the same, you can be the differentiator. One way to do that is to change the way you sell, quote and respond to common requests. Change the way the game is played, change the results. Read More

Saturday Sales Tip – 2 - The Pipeline

Saturday Sales Tip – 2 - The Pipeline - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5279 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 17, 2010 6:55 am
Every good golfer needs to work on their follow through, and so do good sales people. You need to get past the surface where a lot of sales reps get stuck by having follow through questions for each question you ask. Read More
Commissions are a very subjective thing, and for most sales people, a very personal thing, and rightfully so. The one thing that everyone seems to agree on is that the incentive plan should drive results. Of course, that assumes that you have the right plan in place. After that, you get little agreement.
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The Sales Bloggers Union is off to a fine start for 2010, kicking off the decade with a topic near and dear to my heart and I am sure yours, Commission Plans & Targets. Do they have to be the same old same old? If selling has changed in the post Lehman Brothers era, should incentive plans change too? Everything you ever needed to know (well almost everything).

InsideView selects "InsideView Read More

A Client In Hand Is Worth 100 In The Cloud - The Pipeline

A Client In Hand Is Worth 100 In The Cloud - The Pipeline - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5282 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 7, 2010 5:56 pm
With all the opportunities to "touch" your clients and prospects with social networking tools, sales people need to make sure they don't confuse "touching" the prospect with connecting with a real person and developing a real relationship. Read More
Among all the other rituals of the season, the New Year brings with it the season of goal setting, both organizational and personal. For individual sales professionals, I have always believed that goals are only half the story, a means of executing is the other. Read More
Among all the other rituals of the season, the New Year brings with it the season of goal setting, both organizational and personal.  For individual sales professionals, I have always believed that goals are only half the story, a means of executing is the other. Read More
It is easy to blame the technology for failure. But the same issues that plagued CRM, could well spoil the party for Sales 2.0. Process and adoption are two areas to consider when it comes to sales related technologies. Read More

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