Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The recent eMarketer forecast says one in five smartphone users will use mobile payments by next year, and transactions will increase by 210 percent in 2016 to more than $27 billion. These numbers have not been lost on eCommerce retailers as they introduce more ways for their customers to pay for p Read More
Amazon and Uber are re-imagining the delivery business — creating a whole new market for freelancers in the process. Meanwhile, the way eCommerce is automated may be changing forever. Read on for a full list of headlines in this week’s Small Business Trends News and Information Roundup. Read More
When it comes to sales, you’ve either got what it takes or you don’t. And I, for one, would make a lousy salesman! However, if I did have the personality and inclination to become a salesperson, I would hope that I could be mentored by someone such as Kenneth G. Hasty.
In his book, Hasty outlines Read More
On some level, Lisa Clark has always known she was a designer. But her path was a bit more unconventional than most.
Clark, who now designs clothing and textiles inspired by STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) topics, worked in several different industries, ranging from legal to inter Read More

10 Small Business Secrets Including Retargeting and More

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 3247 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on November 11, 2015 3:26 pm
Every business is different, and thus requires different tools and strategies to grow. So you need to find the best methods for your own business.
For that reason, we’ve gathered a variety of different tips from around the small business community, from retargeting to growing your email list. Find Read More
There are a pair of featured events worth a look this week.
Taking place November 9 is UnGagged Las Vegas 2015. Small Business Trends founder Anita Campbell will be joining top SEO’s/DM’s for this unique and intimate event. Grab a chance to mingle with peers and top experts while enjoying free foo Read More

Why Does Your Business Need a Mobile App?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Technology
From 3249 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on November 7, 2015 5:13 pm
Thanks to today’s technology, the entire world is easily accessible. Not just that — it’s right at our fingertips. It empowers us, it unites us, and it informs us.
It’s why so many businesses work tirelessly to establish an online presence through the use of digital marketing (often with the stand Read More

How Can You Get Pain Free Management Training?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From 3249 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on November 10, 2015 1:50 pm
“What could this old coot have to say to me?” Your (younger) Business Professor was invited to lunch by a grizzled senior Army officer of a certain age. The aged blowhard wanted to talk.
I was indifferent. He was buying the meal, but I wasn’t buying his banter. Who needed him? I would run things m Read More
Each day, Facebook handles 1.5 billion searches against the 2 trillion posts in its index. Facebook is still a ways off from Google’s 3.5 billion daily searches, but it’s an impressive figure nonetheless and puts Facebook right up there as far as search giants go.
Of course, Facebook is only index Read More
The cloud is becoming the preferred method of storing the data we need to access, and while there are many options in the market place, UpThere is touting its service as unique. Here’s why.
One of the inconveniences of cloud storage is the need to sync your devices. Depending on the service provid Read More

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