Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

On Track with the Kung Fu Tea Ceremony

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 2416 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on February 25, 2018 3:27 pm
Have you participated in a Gongfu tea ceremony? I visited Taiwan (Republic of China) in 1992 and paid a visit to JT & Tea, Inc. (ABC Tea brand). I was introduced to this company by Otto Wigardt. He had written several books on tea, and he had a ”literary collection about tea and the history of tea. Read More

Theo Tea Room is Opening its Doors on Mars

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 2416 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on February 24, 2018 8:20 pm
The blog post title is a wordplay on the agricultural guardian and the god of war, Mars. It is also the name of the third month (March), in Swedish (mars). My plan is to launch Theo Tea Room during next month.

Do you have tips on memberships plugins for WordPress? I have read Colin Newcomer‘s po Read More
The launch of the Amazon Polly plug-in for WordPress is going to turn blog posts into spoken audio or podcasts. And it will do this in 47 female and male voices and 30 languages.
By integrating Amazon Polly with WordPress, the technology will be available to a much wider audience – many of them sm Read More
Small businesses looking for a DIY online presence can now have pre-built website sections that don’t skimp on customizable features like video and parallax images creating an illusion of depth.
Zoho recently launched some additional features on its DIY website builder, Zoho Sites. This latest ver Read More
Does your small business have an employee recognition program? If not, it could be time to consider one. The war for talent is being waged harder than ever, reports a study of HR professionals from SHRM/Globoforce. Nearly half of respondents in the survey say their biggest management challenges are Read More
The judge a lawsuit against online and mobile food delivery service GrubHub has ruled Raef Lawson, who made deliveries for the company, was an independent contractor and not an employee. The Lawson v. Grubhub decision comes as several gig-economy companies grapple with the status of their employees Read More
In the first-ever report of its kind from eMarketer, a global digital video forecast predicts 78.4 percent of viewers will use their mobile phones to watch digitally streamed content in 2018. Read More
The second annual Mavenlink State of the Services Economy report for 2018 finds almost 4 in 5 or 79 percent of service companies are facing increased competition. This rivalry is coming from new entrants who are pushing established businesses to work much harder to find new customers and keep exist Read More
Are you looking to bring your social media presence under one roof and get usable, real-time insights? Awario lets you join in conversations about your business after crawling the web and finding the people having those conversations. Read More
One thing I’ve learned across all the companies I’ve created is just how vital company culture is.
This is especially true when you’re starting a new company and can’t afford to hire experienced veterans who command high salaries.
So, how can you put great people in place without spending the for Read More

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