Ryanhanley submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Here is an easier way to think about it. When you bought the $5,000 engagement ring in 2006, remember what you could have bought for $1,875. Your $5,000 today gets you the $1,875 engagement from 2006... Read More
What is prospecting? Simply put, prospecting is putting new potential customers or new business into your sales pipeline. It's not cold calling, although many people think it is. Read More
Why are young professionals not flocking to insurance as a profession? We're reputable, we're professional, there is plenty of money to be made... Why Not Insurance? Read More
I want to tell you a horrible story that I hope will open your eyes and lift the vale of ignorance that clouds your perception of the importance of doing business with businesses that carry insurance. Read More
The problem is you're not happy with the numbers you see. You stare at your Facebook fan page trying to mentally will people to click the like button. Good luck... Thankfully, there are reasons that no one is connecting with you. Which means there are things you can change or improve upon to in Read More
Price is a static number. Price is quantitative. There is no feeling or emotion attached to price because price alone cannot dictate a purchasing decision. Read More
I want to start this post by saying that as of it's writing event the great Chris Brogan only has 250 hours of Google+ time under his belt. So I don't so much have answers for Google+ as I have thoughts, ideas and feelings on it's use and where Google+ will fit in the social media world. Read More
I'm talking about your brother-in-law's uncle and your grandmother's cousin's niece who once had this friend that told them you should have this insurance carrier or only buy this amount of coverage or you should only be paying this a year in insurance premiums. Read More
Last time I wrote about Twitter on this blog I explained 5 Way I Use Twitter as an Insurance Agent. This time I want to talk less about the "How" and more about "Why". Read More
When I sit back and think about the burden laid upon small business owners when it comes to providing health insurance for their employees it makes me sad, a little angry, and very motivated. Read More

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