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Thursdayb submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Choosing your web host is an important decision. It’s the foundation of everything that makes up your website. Without a domain name and a web host, your site can’t be seen by the public and might as well not exist.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, so I can’t tell you for certain which ho Read More
Question: What is one step an early-stage startup should take to ensure that all the intellectual property it develops is clearly owned by the company? Read More

IFTTT’s Do Apps Are Pretty Cool

Avatar Posted by thursdayb under Technology
From 3562 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on March 7, 2015 12:32 pm
IFTTT released a new set of apps that have kept me pretty entertained lately as I’ve worked on figuring out just how to use them. Read More
The first time you write a poem, build a website, or ride a bike, you’re going to suck at it.

That truth is so universal that subverting it has become a movie stereotype: the chosen one who knows what to do with a sword the first time he picks it up, for instance. That stereotype, in turn, gets Read More
The accounting industry is having a very good year as we’re all pushing to get our tax returns completed. As an industry, accountants tend to do well and can expect repeat business. But this year is something special, as we all scramble to figure out just what the Affordable Care Act means for our Read More
Melinda Rainsberger presented these slides as part of PVD Pecha Kucha. She drew them by hand, using pens and markers. No Melindas were harmed in the making of this presentation. Read More
Richard Branson founded his first business, Student magazine, after dropping out of high school at age 15.

He soon cofounded the Virgin record store, which then grew into a record label. After 10 years of great success, Branson left his business partners dumbfounded when he announced he wanted t Read More
We’ve been working with a lot of decentralized systems here at Akashic Labs recently. But we’ve sometimes struggled to explain them to people who don’t spend their days up to their eyeballs in decentralized system design. Today, we’ve happened upon a metaphor that we’re satisfied with (and not just Read More
"After the hackathon was over, Maurice gathered every team member’s contact information and wrote it all down on the back of the business card I gave him. Later that night, I received a phone call from him, and he asked if I would be able to teach him how to code. I love teaching, and Maurice seeme Read More
While some code schools are intentionally predatory institutions, many more simply recycle the tired tropes and biased practices rampant in startup culture. Read More

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