These stories submitted by JasonKienbaum will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Never before has a customer visited a website or walked into our store without knowing exactly what they want. Part of the reason is because information about anything that you would want to know is so available online. Which at times causes the customer to be more educated about a product than the Read More
The assumption that many companies have is that their product is easy to figure out so the person buying it shouldn’t have a problem using it. Then they skimp on what really is the key to success - the customer service and the post sales education of the product! So here are a few things that we as Read More
Myself and many other people often talk about how you need to include social media into your many forms of marketing that you do for your business, but usually what comes to mind is the TV, magazine, website, business card, etc… promotions that we do for our business, but billboards which are often Read More
As a business owner you always want to have a good idea of what is coming, not only in your industry but in other things that could impact how you work on a day to day level and how your business performs. An example of this would be the use of social media, many people thought this was a trend and Read More
One of best business lessons I ever got to experience in being a part of my family business is how valuable a team of trusted scouts can be for your business. These are your go-to people for inside information about areas that affect your business. Having scouts who are experts in their field that Read More
We use social media for many different reasons to help our business, but there are some who get into social media for the wrong reasons. They’re not there to engage, provide solutions (without spamming and being annoying) or to connect with people who have the same interest as them. Instead they ar Read More
Wait a minute; don’t dismiss that idea you just had for a business because you think it’s too crazy! Didn’t you hear that crazy outside the box business ideas are in? What is totally and completely different - now works! Read More
With the large number of social media websites growing constantly, are we leaning on them to heavily to direct traffic to our websites? In most cases we do because it is the easiest way to get started promoting our website and for us to pass the word along to others to say “Hey, here we are and thi Read More
Having your content found by search engines is great, but having content that is too focused on pleasing search engines is not. Too many times we get so caught up in the thought of possibly getting that high page rank on Google that we forget to produce content that people will want to read. Let’s Read More
In this episode of The Marketing Show we will look at three ways you can receive the feedback you need from your customers with irritating them. Read More

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