These stories submitted by Liz_062 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Google has been testing a new content platform called “Posts with Google,” and it could have a huge impact on brand searches, for both paid and organic. Read More
Here’s the honest truth: You’re busy and finding the time to be not only efficient but effective is a constant struggle. Read More

A question that children are infamous for asking a zillion times a day. A question most of us have stopped asking, somehow, somewhere along the way.
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You might think I’m about to tell you to get up as the sun rises, sit down at your desk and work until you can’t work any more. That’s probably because you’ve heard advice like this pretty often…
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Having “grown up” in search marketing, I had a strong appreciation for keyword targeting early on. Then, about five years ago, my corporate responsibilities led me to take on social campaigns, and I fell in love instantly. Read More
If you’ve conducted any kind of email marketing campaign, you know how important it is to maintain high ‘click-through rates.’
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SEO has come a long way from being all about on-page optimization, building backlinks and creating “relevant” content. When I read popular search engine blogs, I notice a definite trend: SEO is moving toward a more inclusive strategy that goes beyond new ways of link building or content marketing. Read More
More marketers are turning to Big Data to optimize their customer experience. But just how much data is out there, and how do we manage it? Read More
Hey, you! Yeah, you, the content creators at the back!

There’s something I need to tell you:

Creating any old content and expecting it to find success on social media is a fast road to frustration.

In fact, it’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it ain’t gonna work. Read More
In many ways, email marketing is like the redheaded stepchild of online marketing.

It just doesn’t come across as sexy as inbound, as flashy as SEO, and neither does it have the viral buzz of content marketing. But it is incredibly powerful. Read More

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