These stories submitted by Cbrendlinger will be featured BizSugar's homepage

If you have a spouse or significant other working in your business, you share a bond in building the company. Even if he or she isn’t directly involved, however, you still share in the challenges of ownership. Make sure you acknowledge their sacrifices too and say “Thanks” on a regular basis. Read More
Millennials may be entrepreneurial in numbers not seen since the Boomers, but it is different entrepreneurship. Boomers built service oriented businesses that focused on a tangible product. The Millennials are building businesses utilizing technology where they sell skills to manage information. Read More
Morals and ethics are listed as synonyms, but they have different meanings when applied to business and personal life. The dictionary says that ethics are the application of moral principals. That is true, but in business, my moral compass doesn’t have to agree with yours as long as my ethics do. Read More
There is a serious disconnect between the suppliers of pre-employment skills (the university systems) and their consumers (business). Multiple surveys of small business owners show that a majority identify “finding qualified candidates” as their biggest HR issue. Read More
Every leader has limited bandwidth. Was Ukraine the price of Sochi's Olympics for Vladimir Putin? Focusing your efforts on a huge goal is exciting. When you achieve it, the satisfaction and gratification is wonderful. But the biggest impact might come from the things that happened elsewhere. Read More
Choosing an effective salesperson has little to do with how much he made in a previous position. Translating his or her success to your business depends on who he sold, how he sold, and what he sold. If those three factors match your sales profile, then prior successes are worth considering. Read More
With four generations in the workplace today, how you deploy technology to employees, and how it is utilized, becomes a substantial part of planning for productivity. Each generation has a different approach, and understanding it is critical if you want them to work together as a team. Read More
Understanding performance and productivity by comparing it against past performance, industry norms or internal benchmarks is useful, but measuring something doesn’t mean that you are managing it. In business, the danger of over-measuring is the temptation to act on specious information. Read More
Common wisdom says that a satisfied customer will tell five people about his good experience, but an unhappy customer will tell twenty others. On the Internet, the number of people who may see that complaint is infinite. What if the gripe isn’t valid? There is little defense against an online bully Read More
Franklin D. Roosevelt recognized that people had to believe that things would get better before it could actually happen. Welcome to 2014, where the economy is showing plenty of life signs, but no one seems to believe that things will get better. Small business optimism continues to decline. Read More

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