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If you contact your accountant once a month or once a quarter, you should try to do it more often. Your accountant can be your trusted advisor who you can turn to for a wide range of business advice.
According to a survey conducted by OnPay, 61% of small businesses are completely satisfied with th Read More
The franchise business model lays out the guidelines for selling products or providing services. Before the business launches, the franchise owner has signed a franchise agreement, which is a legal contract.
The franchise agreement gives the franchise owner the rights to operate the business. Is i Read More
Small business owners in Philadelphia can access news and resources needed to run their businesses efficiently. It’s an independent site called

The site features a news section with updates relevant for small businesses in Philadelphia. There’s also advice, profiles of local Read More
How do you manage business momentum at your company?
We all have times of lethargy when we lack momentum and feel stuck in a rut. When it comes to running a business, lacking momentum is far from ideal and is not conducive with business growth. So, how do we move forward when fatigue kicks in and Read More
It’s no secret that small businesses are facing massive financial challenges due to coronavirus.
But there are some options available to help struggling entrepreneurs make ends meet until they reopen or regain some of the business lost during this unprecedented time. Read More
The new grant to the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) from Verizon is going to expand its COVID-19 small business support up to $7.5M. This is the third round of funding ($2.5 million) from Verizon’s Small Business Recovery Fund.
The support by large corporations highlights the importa Read More
“The intent of this money was not for big public companies that have access to capital,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. This statement comes after millions of dollars were given to large companies from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Everyone from Harvard University to Nathan’s Famous, Read More
Closing a deal is a skill. And just like any other skill, it requires training and practice in order to excel. One of the best ways for people to learn how to be great sales reps is by looking at great sales pitch examples. When you see or read an impactful sales or marketing pitch, you can take aw Read More
The coronavirus pandemic has affected virtually every industry, business and city and town in the United States. Nowhere is immune to the consequences of the deadly virus. Read More
Facebook has announced a grant program for small businesses impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The $100 million fund is comprised of cash grants and ad credits. It is estimated that up to 30,000 businesses could benefit.
Small businesses all the over the world have either closed for public safety Read More

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