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The United States is now the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. With stringent lockdown measures in place, a growing number of people work from home during coronavirus regulations. With 66% of employees now working from home, businesses are having to adapt to this new team dynamic.
This statistic Read More
A new survey and report carried out as part of BlackRock’s Emergency Savings Initiative reveals 30% of Etsy sellers don’t save for emergencies. The survey highlights the financial positions of non-traditional workers, not only on Etsy but across the board.
Non-traditional workers, micro-entreprene Read More
Storing just 3.75 megabytes, yes megabytes, took a hard drive that weighed over a ton and was 16 feet tall. Today you can hold terabytes of data in the palm of your hands, which makes them extremely vulnerable to theft or just losing them. Read More
More than a third or 39% of baby boomers say they plan to leave their job within the next six months. The number is exactly at a third or 33% for millennials.
The data comes from the Olivet 2020 Employee Survey, which looked to find out just how these two demographics feel about each other. And of Read More
With so many small businesses closed, one of major lifelines that company owners are counting on during the coronavirus pandemic is the $349B forgivable loans that the Federal government approved in the form of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
On the Small Business Radio Show this week, I in Read More
When you significantly limit the movement of people, commerce becomes that much harder. The new partnership between Kabbage and Facebook wants to give a boost to this commerce by helping local small businesses generate more revenue during the COVID-19 crisis. Read More
The shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) the coronavirus has created is now responsible for a global hackathon. 3D printers are churning out everything from medical masks to face shields, oxygen valves, parts to make ventilators from snorkeling masks and even hands-free door handle attac Read More
The COVID-19 epidemic is disrupting the nation’s medical facilities and individuals who work there. Consequently, they are facing shortages in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In recent weeks these protective gears have become scarce and in short supply.
As a result, health care workers are be Read More
Adapt and evolve. If there is any group of people that live by this credo, it is entrepreneurs. For example, just take a look at the Forbes8 Digital Summit.
Coronavirus is responsible for the cancellation of hundreds of conferences. As a result, you need to adapt? Find alternative methods to bring Read More
Identity theft continues to affect Americans with credit card fraud topping the list of identity thefts crimes in 2019. This according to research by PreciseSecurity. In 2019 some 271, 823 Americans were victims of credit card fraud.
Overall, more than 9 million Americans have their identities sto Read More

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