2010Taxes voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When it’s time to sell your company, or get new investors, valuation is the key parameter to success or disappointment. The first step is to quantify the value of assets and current financial performance, but every one of you wants to go further by adding additional value for “intangibles,” commonl Read More

Top 15 Best GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) Tools

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Technology
From https://www.argon.io 924 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on March 14, 2022 7:50 am
This blog outlines the top best GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) tools currently available in the market Read More

The Essential PCI Compliance Checklist

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Technology
From https://www.reflectiz.com 924 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on March 15, 2022 12:38 pm
PCI compliance created to support, nurture and secure the continued incredible growth of digital transactions. Read to learn more Read More
UX Design vs UI Design - What You Need to Know About How They Differ When it Comes to Your Marketing. Read More
Does www matter for SEO or not? In this chapter, we’ll determine if using or excluding www in your domain is a Google ranking factor.  Read More
Wondering what to do to retain your remote team? Here are tips to keep employee retention high in the era of remote work. Read More
Is your website loading faster? Site speed is a factor to rank websites on search engines. Power your website with one of the best CDN providers Read More

How many podcasts are there?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From https://podnews.net 925 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on March 18, 2022 9:36 am
How many podcasts are there? That’s not quite as simple to answer as you might think - we should have a discussion about what the definition is of a podcast before we can really give an answer of how many there are.

Spotify suggest they have 3.6m podcasts on their platform (in Mar 2022). You hav Read More

Robert Tracinski on Workism [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From https://the-secular-foxhole.captivate.fm 925 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on March 17, 2022 8:10 am
Robert Tracinski visits us again to expand on three of his recent articles, published in Discourse Magazine. We have a stimulating, thought-provking discussion. Why don’t you listen in?

Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:

Swiss basic income campaign sets ‘G Read More

Visa Will Lower Credit Card Swipe Fees for Small Business

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From https://smallbiztrends.com 925 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on March 15, 2022 12:05 pm
Visa has announced it will be lowering credit card interchange rates or swipe fees for both online and in-store transactions by 10% for small businesses, according to an AP report. Read More

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