AngelBiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

“For Martha Stewart’s New Fans, Tattoos Meet Appliqué,” a recent article in The New York Times, reported that a number of edgy young artistic types have recently discovered Martha Stewart. They are looking at her and what she sells though a new lens, and liking what they see.
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Marketing Your Business

Avatar Posted by tcwatson under Direct Marketing
From 4319 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on December 6, 2012 3:27 pm
Learn how everything you do in business is related to marketing in one way or another. The faster you learn this lesson, the faster your business grows. Read More
Federal government contracts provide excellent opportunity to small business owners. How 8A certification can help you improve sales with government contracts. Read More
Small businesses have the edge as far as customer service opportunities are concerned. The Art of Small Business gives us 3 practical ways to stay close to the people who matter most. Read More
What habits help SMB drive revenue? Find out why successful marketers are focusing on new business leads and lifetime value of their customers over the cost of customer acquisition. Read More
What you need to know about the new IRS form 1099K that small business owners, especially sellers on eBay and Etsy, may be required file in 2012. Read More
The discussion about social media versus your business Website and what part each plays in your online branding and marketing efforts seems a never ending one. But online marketing consultant Matt McGee maintains that in this eternal debate, online business owners should always remember that their Read More

5 Secrets to Building Absurdly Great Customer Loyalty

Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Marketing
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: DMDdistribution on November 26, 2012 2:38 am
One of the main factors that keep a business moving successfully and progressively is by keeping the existing customers coming back while gaining new ones. Read More
The goal of business is to make a profit. Many small businesses fail at this because they don’t know how to price their products or services, but pricing is the critical element to achieving a profit, a factor that all firms can control. If you’re a startup or are revisiting your pricing strategy, Read More

Business Tip: Be Productive Not Just Busy

Avatar Posted by Sun Tzu Business Guide under Self-Development
From 4335 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on November 18, 2012 10:45 pm
Many people, including business owners, complain they have "no time" today. But the real trouble could be that you are busy without necessarily being productive in your business, says business coach Ray Williams, President of Ray Williams Associates, with offices in Vancouver and Phoenix. Williams Read More

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