FrankenBlogger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Changing the Mindset of a Generation of Entrepreneurs!

Avatar Posted by johnfaust under Public Relations
From 4243 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on February 23, 2013 10:45 am
Chris estimated that less than 30% of his listeners during BlogWorld Conference and BusinessBlueprint meeting have their own virtual assistants of different type and skills set.

He wonder why other entrepreneurs do not have at least one general virtual assistant that will do simple task like on Read More
For many small business owners, social media also seems to require a huge amount of time for a questionable payoff, and most just don’t know where to start. The infographic below provides an easy-to-follow plan for managing your business’s social presence through each month of 2013. Read More

3 Social Media Tools to Streamline Your Accounts

Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Social Media
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 16, 2013 12:46 am
Tired of flipping back and forth between your social media accounts? Check out 3 social media tools that will streamline all of it and boost productivity! Read More

The Post Office: Lessons Learned From A Leadership Catastrophe

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Management
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 16, 2013 12:13 am
By Bob Herbold

Recently the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced it would stop delivering mail on Saturdays. It is expected to save $2 billion a year, a drop in the bucket compared to the $16 billion loss reported in 2012. Besides the staggering annual loss, the USPS twice defaulted on payment Read More

3 Actions to Improve Your Website TODAY

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Technology
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 18, 2013 10:46 pm
By Ben Milleare

One of the most common things I hear from small business owners is that they lack the skills and/or funds to improve their websites. In truth, they’ve just assumed both of those things are hurdles without looking into it fully.

Here are three things you can do without any spec Read More

Clear Desk, Clear Mind! Tips for a New Year Clear Out

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on February 18, 2013 11:07 pm
Back to work after the Christmas break, ready for a new year, but is your desk ready? Let's start 2013 tidy and organised! Read More

7 Steps to Achieving Entrepreneurial Lifetime Goals

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on February 18, 2013 11:58 pm
Successful entrepreneurs are usually hard-driving, and highly focused on some specific goals, like being the dominant player in a given domain, or the low-priced provider of their product. Yet other entrepreneurs will talk for hours about all their ideas, and how they intend to change the world, bu Read More

Are You Prepared for the New YouTube Layout?

Avatar Posted by Jose Jimenez under Social Media
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 18, 2013 11:27 pm
A new YouTube Layout is on the verge of being rolled out. Over the last year there have been some major changes but this one seems to be a real game changer in my opinion. YouTube is allowing video creators more control over the features and content that is displayed.... Read More

[Infographic] Dos & Don’t of Networking Follow up

Avatar Posted by CassiusBlueCo under Marketing
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 18, 2013 10:22 pm
Networking is often a key part of a small business owners marketing mix. A lot of time goes into choosing which events to attend and perfecting our pitch. But, the importance of follow up is often forgotten. In fact, 48% of people never follow up, this infographic shows the key dos and don’ts of ne Read More

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

Avatar Posted by SMARTSMMBiz under Social Media
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on February 19, 2013 8:34 am
Many companies and business’ have a blog, but there are varied reasons why you should be using one for your business. A blog is great for voicing opinions, keeping up-to-date and also extremely important for increasing your SEO efforts of your business and it’s website. Here are 5 reasons: Read More

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