GenuineSEOnet voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The first goal of internet marketing is getting people's attention.

Here are 3 social media tips that you can use to save yourself hours of frustration. Read More

Digital Marketing Lessons To Take From Duran Duran

Digital Marketing Lessons To Take From Duran Duran - Avatar Posted by debbiemcdonnell under Rock Your Biz
From 4358 days ago
Made Hot by: simplycastguy on July 24, 2012 11:53 am
With over 30 years experience, Duran Duran have embraced technology and social media as a means of promotion, connecting with their fans and driving their business forward. As a brand, learn what they do well and why you too can learn from the entertainment industry. Read More
Do you hate managing? Learn to love it with help from Devora Zack's book. Devora Zack has written a book about learning to love being a manager. Read More
Many of us scoff at the idea of hiring someone else to take care of something we can do for ourselves. But could it be worth it to hire someone else to take care of these tasks after all? Read More
One of the ways to make money online is to participate in affiliate programs. You can usually participate in more than one, and if you are savvy, you can earn money on the commissions. What are Affiliate Programs? Read More
In a recent episode of Mad Marketing TV, Colleen Francis, President of Engage Selling discussed what sales managers can do to help their sales team be more effective. Read More
Each of these large online retailers have their strategies in place, but do you have yours? As outlined in the infographic below, tablet consumers growth is exploding. Not only are they a growing share of the market, but they’re also a group that seems to prefer making purchases more than the users Read More

Pros and Cons of DIY and Outsourced SEO

Pros and Cons of DIY and Outsourced SEO - Avatar Posted by wdoutjah under Rock Your Biz
From 4358 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on July 23, 2012 4:45 pm
Online business owners aim to get their site on top of search engine ranking. But the most common question they would encounter is “Should I engage in DIY (Do-It-Yourself) SEO or Shall I hire an SEO professional?”. Read More
Google Chrome, ever since it was released, has garnered quite a lot of acclaim for many of its features. It is quick, efficient and works really well as a browser. It has evolved to become people’s favorite browser in many parts of the world. Google Chrome works even better when you equip it with s Read More
Struggling to get a website to the much coveted top spots in Google’s search pages takes a lot of consideration of different factors. Among these are the content, external links, loading time of web pages and even the domain age. While these factors do have a great impact in search engine optimizin Read More

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