Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Want to reach more people with your Instagram stories?

Have you considered hosting an Instagram Story takeover to grow a larger following?

Collaborating with highly engaged Instagram users will introduce their followers to your content. Read More
Every year, I greet January with new resolutions. Often, I never end up fulfilling them. But that doesn’t stop me from making new ones every year.

One of the resolutions I made at the start of 2017 – one I thought would be easy to keep – was to write a blog post every week on WordPress.

Easy, Read More
If you want the Ultimate SEO Audit Checklist, you’ve come to the right place.

Did you know that Google has approximately 200 ranking factors? For SEOs, Google has always maintained that chasing after the algorithm has a minimum effect and does not provide much — if any — return for most ranking Read More
It is not surprising to see that 64% of CFOs aspire for the top job, i.e. aspire to become the CEO of their company. The People Puzzle survey suggests that 47% of CPAs want to become a manager or a controller. While 3 out of 10 respondents in the survey suggested they are happy with their current j Read More
What’s to blame when you can’t hit to-do list zero? It’s not that you have too much to do, or not enough time — you’re getting in your own way.
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The tech startup industry is booming; with more and more startups being created daily by wannabe entrepreneurs and unicorn creators, the need for having your employees surrounding you in an office is getting old-fashioned. Read More
It’s a great time to be a female entrepreneur. There are plenty of trailblazers making their mark on a variety of different industries. If you’re looking for some inspiration or any female entrepreneurs to look up to, take a look at these successful women entrepreneurs. Read More

How to Move on When Your Business Idea Fails

Avatar Posted by brianamorgaine under Startups
From 2678 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on May 27, 2017 8:49 pm
The key to being a successful entrepreneur isn't just coming up with a great business idea. It’s continuing to come up with great ideas, even after failure. Read More
Newsjacking vs evergreen content — which is a better choice for building traffic and engagement? Check out today’s Mojo video for the answer. Read More
I produce a lot of content. Not for the fun of it (although I genuinely do enjoy most of it), but because I want it to increase awareness of my personal brand, drive traffic to my site, and generate leads. Read More

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