Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Most clients are naturally nervous at the beginning of a project so nurturing the relationship from the outset can go a long way.
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It is becoming increasingly difficult for business owners to ignore mobile, and that’s good. Ten years after the launch of the first iPhone, more than half the mobile phones currently in use are smartphones... Read More
In this article, we’re going to break down the best video conferencing tools on the market and give you the information necessary for you to pick one which suits your business. Read More

5 Tips From Richard Branson for Making Business Decisions

Avatar Posted by HeatherStone under Strategy
From 2679 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on May 26, 2017 1:39 pm
If you're often conflicted about the decisions you need to make in your small businesses, why not take some advice from one of today's arguably smartest and most successful entrepreneurs: Richard Branson. Here are 5 tips Branson shares from his own decision making process that might make you better Read More
To get the most from your social media marketing efforts, you have to know your audience. After all, there are 2.8 billion people (including 7 in 10 Americans) using social media—a 22% increase from the previous year. Not everyone is using the same platforms or using them the same way, so here’s so Read More
This week's Five for Friday is all about onboarding correctly to get new employees off on the right foot. Read More
When I was about 7 years old, I made a deliberate decision to stop caring about math.

I remember the moment clearly. I started sitting closer to the back of the class, stopped answering questions, and, eventually, I stopped being asked questions by the teacher.
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Cracking into the online writing market is not easy to do. For one, it’s flooded with people who all are trying to snag the same writing jobs that you are. For two, the numbers of actual opportunities are relatively low in number when compared to the number of scams that are trying to lure you in w Read More
It’s not surprising that you decided to dedicate yourself to work in the world of web. Perhaps you’ve seen lots of websites that get an enormous amount of traffic every single day. The owners of these web resources become popular, they earn solid money, and they are happy with the life. Read More

What Not to Do (in Content Marketing)

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Marketing
From 2682 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on May 21, 2017 12:32 pm
Some weeks are all sunshine and lollipops. This week is not that week.

Actually, all week we’ve been warning you of various colorful ways online professionals can shoot themselves in the foot. On Monday, I talked about a bunch of ways (around 30, I think) that people mess things up for themselve Read More

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